Committed to growing the local economy
"Sustainable" is more than just a catchphrase at Texas Ridge. Everything we do takes into careful account the world around us. Take our local economy, for example. We believe that by partnering with other small farms and businesses in our community, that share our dedication to quality and commitment to responsible stewardship, we can help build an entirely self-sufficient, and sustainable marketplace. Besides, when "everything good grows here", why would you want to shop anywhere else? Here are some ways we do that
Texas Ridge gives back
Texas Ridge partnered with FoodFleet and the Nez Perce Tribe to provide our top quality pastured pork for community food boxes from November 2020 through March 2021. Texas Ridge has donated meat to Spud Hill Seniors, Troy/Deary ACS, the Game Bird Foundation and more. If you have a good cause you would like us to help with, contact us.
Helping other small businesses succeed
In 2017-2018, Texas Ridge managed the Deary Market, and then in 2021, Texas Ridge led a team of local producers to establish the Latah Farmers Market in Troy, ID. The new market's vision is to "unite Latah County communities and foster pride by bringing local producers and shoppers together in an inclusive, safe, family-friendly weekly event that is open to all." The Latah Farmers Market has since expanded to offer a second mid-week market June through September at the WI&M Depot in Potlatch.
Getting good food to people who need it
In 2019 when quarantines and grocery shortages threatened our community due to COVID, Texas Ridge delivered hundreds of pounds of pork and beef to customers' doorsteps. We have always looked for ways to bless members of the community with our amazing meat through giveaways and charitable donations. Here are some of our lucky past giveaway winners!